Friday, April 3, 2009

Never Believe What You Hear

Anyone that tells you about divorce is probably telling you their own personal experiences and coveneying their experience as the way ALL divorces do. In listening to everyone I have spoken to, the bottom line is each divorce is a little different. Some can get away with a mediator or even share a lawyer because they know their divorce is going to go peacefully. Some prepare themselves for World War III. The bottom line is that you know your spouse best and, although you must protect yourself because people change and you don't know how they are going to react, you have to deal with your spouse the way you want. Remember, your attorney works for you so tell them what you want. But you have to be prepared to hear that what you want might not be feasible.


  1. Do everyone a favor. Be fair and only look to take away your fair share. Although this is a very emotional step in your life, remove the emotion and treat this as a business deal. Don't just feed your lawyers because you want to fight!

  2. One of the biggest issues with men going through divorce is the obvious free time and freedom that they now have. A lot of men will realize how much of their time their ex really consumed. To assist in getting over this, take up a new hobby or sport to occupy your time. It will help purge some of the stress and depression from your mind and body. Divorce can make a person feel totally consumed with depression. If you have tried all of the above divorce tips for men and they are not helping, seek professional help. It is possible that you may need some additional guidance in overcoming this life changing event. Here is an interesting link about this Divorced.
